Generate Home Page via content adapter

As AddPage requires a non-empty relative path I guess it is currently not possible to generate the root home page via content adapters, right?

This does not work:

  {{ $content := dict "mediaType" "text/html" "value" "<h1>Home</h1>" }}
  {{ $page := dict
  "content" $content
  "kind" "home"
  "title" "The Home Page"
  "path" ""
  {{ $.AddPage $page }}

This does work but generates a home page at /index/ (i.e. path is understood as a section?):

  {{ $content := dict "mediaType" "text/html" "value" "<h1>Home</h1>" }}
  {{ $page := dict
  "content" $content
  "kind" "home"
  "title" "The Home Page"
  "path" "index"
  {{ $.AddPage $page }}

Any suggestions on how to work around it? (apart from manually adding a home page as a file)

No. This is not possible.

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