Front matter menu not showing

Hi, So I seems to not be able to have the frontmatter menu item to show when it is from an item and not a section.

Here is a simplified hierarchy on


Simplified Frontmatter for content/section1/

        name: "Section 1"
        title: "This is the first section"
        weight: 10

Simplified Frontmatter for content1/

        name: "Content 1"
        title: "This is the first content"
        weight: 20

And the partial to display the menu

{{- range $.Site.Menus.topnav -}}
    <a href="{{ .URL }}" title="{{ .Title }}" class="nav-item">
        {{ .Name }}
{{- end -}}

site.Menus is map[topnav:[0xc0008fb1e0]]

The menu ONLY shows Section1, I cannot get Content1 to show on ANY menus through the front matter! It does not matter if I create a new menu or anything, there is no way I can get a menu to show the item of a menu if it’s in the front matter of a content!

I have read the doc Menus | Hugo and it should work!

Any ideas on how to get that menu item to show up without defining the menu in the config instead?

I am unable to reproduce the problem as described. Try it:

git clone --single-branch -b hugo-forum-topic-49696 hugo-forum-topic-49696
cd hugo-forum-topic-49696
hugo server