Footnote styling


FootnoteReturnLinkContents = "↩"

Adding this line in the config file worked great.

I post this reply because in order to find this setting, you would have to enter to the link of the github PR posted by @halostatue, then you would then get redirected to another PR. I guess I would make it more accesible by putting it in a comment here.

It sounds weird that the word “return” is the default in blackfriday, because it assumes that the content creator is english-speaker (and runs a blog written in English).
Although, on the other hand, there’s not much alternative. I have yet to test if the arrow posted here works in the oldest operative systems that don’t support emoji (like Windows XP). Also in other operative systems the symbol gets replaced by an emoji and this might bring up some inconsistency and unpredictability in the design.

Wikipedia handles it a different way: it places a sign (which I’m pretty sure must work on Windows XP). Additionally, the symbol is placed at the beginning of the footnote, where it gains in visibility, not at the end where it may be hidden “camouflaged” by other links. I consider this to be the proper symbol and the proper placement for that symbol.

This is what my config and CSS styles look like:

FootnoteReturnLinkContents = "↑"
// footnote link
// Back to footnote link
a[href^="#fnref:"] {
  text-decoration: none;
  color: $orange;
  font-family: monospace;
a[href^="#fn:"]:before{ content: '[' }
a[href^="#fn:"]:after{ content: ']' }

And this is what it looks like: