Filtering/Ranging posts doesn't seem to work with new update

I suspect that this might be due to a new update, but the following command on my partials layout doesn’t seem to load any blog posts/articles as it did before

 {{ range first 6 (where .Data.Pages "Type" "post") }}

Here’s what the web page looked like before,

Here’s what it looks like now,

Here’s the code I was using to pull recent articles and list them along with their meta-data

<div class="recent-container">
 {{ range first 6 (where .Data.Pages "Type" "post") }}
<div class="recent-column">
    <div class="recent-image">
        <a href="{{ .Permalink }}">
        {{ if .Params.image }}
            <img src="{{ .Params.image }}" alt="{{ .Title }}"/>
        {{ end }}
<div class="recent-title">
    <a href="{{.RelPermalink}}">{{.Title | markdownify }}</a>
<div class="recent-summary">{{ .Description | default .Summary }}</div>
<div> {{ partial "recent_meta.html" . }}</div>
 {{ end }}

Any ideas?

Do you have set the type in frontmatter??

type = "post"

I worked with sections

{{ range first 5 (where site.RegularPages "Section" "eq" "post") }}