Escaping double curly braces in Hugo short code

I made a custom button short code.

Here’s the code in the button.html short code file:
<button href="{{ .Get "x" | safeURL }}">{{.Get "text" }}</button>

Here’s the code in the Markdown body:
{{< button x="{{site.admin_url}}/settings/{{addon.slug}}" text="See plans and usage">}}

And this is what gets complied after I run the Hugo engine:
<button href="%7b%7bsite.admin_url%7d%7d/settings/%7b%7baddon.slug%7d%7d">See plans and usage</button>

My goal is to keep the double curly braces from being consumed by Hugo engine b/c my next step is to use Liquid engine to process the data through those curly braces.

Hope this explains better of the problem I’d like to solve. Thanks a lot!

It’s not clear what you are doing there… can you paste the exact code from your template file within:


Thanks. Just updated my question. Let me know if you have any questions!

Now that makes more sense as to why it’s not working :slight_smile: … you cannot nest the {{ .. }}.

It’s not clear what site.admin_url and addon.slug are… may be you want to pass them as two parameters “x” and “y” to the shortcode? Don’t pass the curly braces through the shortcode.

Thanks @kaushalmodi!
I’m curious cuz in my other short code, the Gmail Action short code. It actually works.
But the short code was written in JSON.

Code example:
In the short code file:

<script type="application/ld+json">
  "@context": "",
  "@type": "EmailMessage",
  "potentialAction": {
    "@type": "ViewAction",
    "target": "{{ .Get `target` }}",
    "url": "{{ .Get `target` }}",
    "name": "{{ .Get `label` }}"

In markdown body:
{{< gmailaction label="See plans and usage" target="{{site.admin_url}}/settings/{{addon.slug}}" >}}

After running through Hugo:

<script type="application/ld+json">
  "@context": "",
  "@type": "EmailMessage",
  "potentialAction": {
    "@type": "ViewAction",
    "target": "{{site.admin_url}}/settings/{{addon.slug}}",
    "url": "{{site.admin_url}}/settings/{{addon.slug}}",
    "name": "See plans and usage"

Again, can you please put the whole thing exactly as it is in your template in:


Stuff like this does not make sense:


Finally, just share a repo to your site; it will be much easier helping using that.

:woman_facepalming: My bad! Fixed now :pray: