Escape PHP code in template

I think this is similar but I don’t find the way to do it right.

In my header.html partial I have something like this:

    <title><?php echo "Details zur Station: $Station, $dLand" ?></title>
    <meta name="description" content="Datum, Uhrzeit, Frequenz und weitere Informationen zur Aufnahme der Station">

and all is well.
But as soon as I add some php in the description tag like this

    <title><?php echo "Details zur Station: $Station, $dLand" ?></title>
    <meta name="description" content="Datum, Uhrzeit, Frequenz und weitere Informationen zur Aufnahme der Station <?php echo "$Station, $dLand" ?>">

hugo server won’t build my site and complains

Change detected, rebuilding site
2019-03-18 21:25 +0100
Template changed "/home/benutzer/WebAuftritte/hugo/intervalsignals/themes/interval/layouts/partials/header.html": CREATE
ERROR 2019/03/18 21:25:09 Error while rendering "page": template: theme/kontakt/single.html:2:3: executing "theme/kontakt/single.html" at <partial "header.html...>: error calling partial: html/template:theme/partials/header.html: "\"" in attribute name: "$dLand\" ?>\">\n\">\n\n\n    <title>\n  "

@ominty Split your question into a new topic.

As @RickCogley mentioned in that previous linked topic, you’ll need to use safeHTML

{{printf "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"Datum, Uhrzeit, Frequenz und weitere Informationen zur Aufnahme der Station %s\">" "<?php echo \"$Station, $dLand\" ?>" | safeHTML }}

thanks so much, description is working now.