Error with range and config.toml [solved]

I’m trying to range over an array that contains inline tables in my config.toml to insert the values in a template, but Hugo throws an error.

Excerpt from config.toml

title = "Around the web"
networks = [
    { icon: "github", url: "//" },
    { icon: "stack-overflow", url: "//"}

The code from the template:

 <ul class="list-inline">
     {{ range }}
          <a href="{{ .url }}" class="btn-social btn-outline"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-{{ .icon }}"></i></a>
     {{ end }}

And finally the error:

Error parsing config: Near line 82 (last key parsed ''): Expected value but found '{' instead.

Thanks you for this reference. And I thought the hole time that I use the wrong syntax. So I need to find a workaround until it’s implement.

Temporarily I’ll stick with a multidimensional array. Is it somehow possible to use a specific index of an array?

My config:

networks = [
    ["github", "//"],
    ["stack-overflow", "//"]

My approach would it be to use the indexes (which don’t work that way here):

{{ range }}
             <a href="{{ .[0] }}" class="btn-social btn-outline"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-{{ .[1] }}"></i></a>
{{ end }}

Use the index func

{{ index . 0 }}


Hi @ all.

I have a similar question. I want to do the same, but i want to definie it in an special archtype (blog). I wrote the same syntax like digitalcraftsman. But if I try du use the index function i get nothing, no error no output. My Frontmatter looks like:

extralogos = [
[“photoshop.png”, “//”],
[“fireworks.png”, “//”]

in the archtype template (single.html) i would generate the image with the link

Thanks for the thread, the whole morning I’ve been trying to find a solution for this.