Error while adding a js content in post

thanks @rdwatters . I am guessing the same on there is some discrepancy between the two environments which is causing this.

@senthil_thyagarajan when you run it locally, do you provide any parameters to the Hugo command to build it? And which version are you using? Just the latest 0.19? I would like to find out if I can at least replicate it on my local machine.

Thanks @ArjenSchwarz. The version on local is also 0.19 and I am not providing any parameters during the hugo build. Below is the screenshot on how I build and the version.

Hi @senthil_thyagarajan, after a lot of trying things I figured it out. While you try to use pygments, you don’t have it installed locally which means that for some reason it treats the code as code instead of something to highlight (the code fences are still rendered as pre tags, but don’t have any highlighting).
If you want the same result through wercker you’ll have to disable the pygments installation using the disable_pygments: true option.

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Thanks a ton @ArjenSchwarz. This is all fixed and now I can go and work on adding posts.Thanks to @rdwatters too for helping out with this and previous issues.

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