Error when building Hugo website locally using Docker

Getting this Error when building Hugo website locally using Docker:

=> ERROR [hugo 4/4] RUN hugo --minify 0.3s

[hugo 4/4] RUN hugo --minify:
0.313 Error: module “C:\MyStuff\HugoSite\IMS-Site\IMS-site\themes\inventory” not found; either add it as a Hugo Module or store it in “/site/themes”.: module does not exist
0.313 Total in 1 ms

I have a module like this in my Config.ymal

    - disable: false
      ignoreConfig: false
      ignoreImports: false
      path: 'C:\MyStuff\HugoSite\IMS-Site\IMS-site\themes\inventory'

Not sure what this means. I have my inventory theme in the theme folder and the Site is working fine with Hugo server locally.

Any suggestion?
Thank you,

Why are you doing the above?

If the theme “inventory” is in your project directory in the themes directory, why not just set theme: inventory in your site config?

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