Hi all I’m using bulma and trying to add some hugo variable inside the sass modul, in this case is theme primary color
my env Windows10 using go version go1.11 windows/amd64
and Hugo Static Site Generator v0.50/extended windows/amd64 BuildDate: unknown
theme_color = "#EC1164"
└─── initial-variable.sass #Some Hugo variable here
trying add new color theme inside initial-variable.sass
$pink: {{ .Site.Params.theme_color }}
the output error
e[?25lBuilding sites … e[1;31mERRORe[0m 2018/11/07 15:14:21 error: failed to transform resource: SCSS processing failed: file "E:/YUDY/WEB PROJECT/TIAVI/sites/newdev/assets/assets/css/sass/utilities/initial-variables.sass", line 25, col 7: Invalid CSS after "$pink:": expected 1 selector or at-rule, was "{{ .Site.Params.the"
e[KTotal in 44 ms
Error: Error building site: logged 1 error(s)
the repo https://github.com/yudyananda/justanotherdev
any help would be greatly appreciated