Error calling markdownify: runtime error: slice bounds out of range [:71] with capacity 0

I have been trying to implement glossary modals and was attempting to handle the recursive nature.

However, I am facing the below error:

$  hugo server -D --disableFastRender --enableGitInfo --gc --ignoreCache -N --noHTTPCache

ERROR render of "page" failed: "F:\sandy-personal\ProgStudy\projects\ADeveloperHasNoName\themes\PaperMod\layouts\_default\baseof.html:9:8": execute of template failed: template: _default/single.html:9:8: executing "_default/single.html" at <partial "head.html" .>: error calling partial: execute of template failed: template: partials/templates/schema_json.html:73:20: executing "partials/templates/schema_json.html" at <.Content>: error calling Content: "F:\sandy-personal\ProgStudy\projects\ADeveloperHasNoName\content\blogs\Overcoming-(discord)": failed to render shortcode "glossary": failed to process shortcode: "F:\sandy-personal\ProgStudy\projects\ADeveloperHasNoName\layouts\shortcodes\glossary.html:51:48": execute of template failed: template: shortcodes/glossary.html:51:48: executing "shortcodes/glossary.html" at <markdownify>: error calling markdownify: runtime error: slice bounds out of range [:40] with capacity 0
ERROR render of "page" failed: "F:\sandy-personal\ProgStudy\projects\ADeveloperHasNoName\themes\PaperMod\layouts\_default\baseof.html:9:8": execute of template failed: template: _default/single.html:9:8: executing "_default/single.html" at <partial "head.html" .>: error calling partial: execute of template failed: template: partials/templates/schema_json.html:73:20: executing "partials/templates/schema_json.html" at <.Content>: error calling Content: "F:\sandy-personal\ProgStudy\projects\ADeveloperHasNoName\content\blogs\": failed to render shortcode "glossary": failed to process shortcode: "F:\sandy-personal\ProgStudy\projects\ADeveloperHasNoName\layouts\shortcodes\glossary.html:51:48": execute of template failed: template: shortcodes/glossary.html:51:48: executing "shortcodes/glossary.html" at <markdownify>: error calling markdownify: runtime error: slice bounds out of range [:71] with capacity 0
Built in 457 ms
Error: error building site: render: failed to render pages: render of "page" failed: "F:\sandy-personal\ProgStudy\projects\ADeveloperHasNoName\themes\PaperMod\layouts\_default\baseof.html:9:8": execute of template failed: template: _default/single.html:9:8: executing "_default/single.html" at <partial "head.html" .>: error calling partial: execute of template failed: template: partials/templates/schema_json.html:73:20: executing "partials/templates/schema_json.html" at <.Content>: error calling Content: "F:\sandy-personal\ProgStudy\projects\ADeveloperHasNoName\content\blogs\": failed to render shortcode "glossary": failed to process shortcode: "F:\sandy-personal\ProgStudy\projects\ADeveloperHasNoName\layouts\shortcodes\glossary.html:51:48": execute of template failed: template: shortcodes/glossary.html:51:48: executing "shortcodes/glossary.html" at <markdownify>: error calling markdownify: runtime error: slice bounds out of range [:71] with capacity 0

Appears the error is occuring in the shortcut:

{{- $glossary := site.GetPage "" -}}

{{- $term := .Get "term" -}}
{{- $displayTerm := .Get "displayTerm" | default $term -}}
{{- $ancestorTerms := .Get "ancestorTerms" | default "" -}}

{{- $term := $term | lower -}}
{{- $definition := "" -}}

{{- /*
  `ancestorTerms` is a string of previously visited terms delimited by `{}`.
  If the current term is in the ancestorTerms, then the term is a circular reference
  and the displayTerm is returned to prevent infinite recursion
*/ -}}
{{- if in $ancestorTerms (printf `{%s}` $term) -}}
    {{- return $displayTerm -}}
{{- end -}}

{{- range $key, $value := $glossary.Params.glossary -}}
  {{- if eq (lower $key) $term -}}
    {{- $definition = $value -}}
  {{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

{{- if $definition -}}
    {{- /*
      The glossary shortcode is of the pattern `{{< glossary term="term" displayTerm="displayTerm" ancestorTerms="ancestorTerms" >}}`
      ancestorTerms is used to prevent infinite recursion in the glossary shortcode where terms are delimited by `{}`
      Below matches the value of the `ancestorTerms` attribute of the `glossary` shortcode and appends the current term to the ancestorTerms.
    */ -}}
    {{- $shortcodePattern := `\{\{[ ]*<[ ]*glossary[ ]+term="(?<d_term>[^"]+)"(?:[ ]+displayTerm="(?<d_displayTerm>[^"]+)")?(?:[ ]+ancestorTerms="(?<d_ancestorTerms>[^"]+)")?[ ]*>[ ]*\}\}` -}}
    {{- $updatedDefinition := replaceRE $shortcodePattern (printf `{{< glossary term="$d_term" displayTerm="$d_displayTerm" ancestorTerms="%s{%s}" >}}` $ancestorTerms $term) $definition -}}

    {{- if not $updatedDefinition -}}
        {{- return $displayTerm -}}
    {{- end -}}

    {{- /* Debugging: Print updated definition */ -}}
    {{- warnf "Term: %s, AncestorTerms: %s, Definition: %s" $term $ancestorTerms $definition -}}
    {{- warnf "." -}}
    {{- warnf "." -}}

    {{- /* Prevents multiple glossary terms on the same page from sharing the same modal ID */ -}}
    {{- $unique_id := delimit (shuffle (seq 1 15)) "" -}}

    <span class="glossary-container" onclick="openModal('{{- $term }}', '{{- $unique_id }}')">
        <span class="glossary-term"> {{- $displayTerm -}} </span>

        <span id="modal-{{- $term }}-{{- $unique_id }}" class="glossary-modal">
            <span class="modal-content">
                <span> {{- $updatedDefinition | markdownify -}} </span>
                <span class="modal-close" onclick="closeModal('{{- $term }}', '{{- $unique_id }}')">&times;</span>
{{- else -}}
  {{- $displayTerm -}}
{{- end -}}

I do not know how to debug this. Please help me.
If it is of any relevance, I am using papermod theme.

the source repo: GitHub - sandeshShahapur/ADeveloperHasNoName

Here is my env

$ hugo env
hugo v0.135.0+extended windows/386 BuildDate=unknown

The return statement can only be used within partial templates. You cannot use it in any other template type.

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