Enumerating Sections also returns a list page, how to exclude

I’ve just finished migrating my blog from Jekyll to Hugo and it’s been a great experience.

My blog has a header containing a few static pages, which are of a Section I’ve called a “page” type. I’m using a range statement to enumerate all these types so that I can build the header like so:

{{ range where .Site.Pages "Section" "page" }}
 <a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a>
{{ end }}

This works, but among the results it also returns an item “Pages” which links to a list of pages. Since my navbar is already a list of pages I don’t need again this list, so for now I’m special-casing an exclusion of this list like this:

{{ range where .Site.Pages "Section" "page" }}
  {{ if ne .Title "Pages" }}
  <a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a>
  {{ end }}
{{ end }}

This works, I’m just wondering if there’s a way I can avoid getting this meta-list in my results from the where statement. My site contains only two Section types, post and page. Here’s a link to the relevant partial in my site’s source.

Any pointers would be really appreciated - it’s been a great experience migrating my site over and I’m really enjoying the increased portability and vastly improved build times in the tooling.

Try .RegularPages instead of .Pages


Perfect, that did the trick! Now I see Looping through static pages at the root of content as well, in which you gave the same advice. Thanks!

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