Dynamic OpenGraph Image

I have developed a theme for my personal use and I want to implement dynamic OG image. Current solutions either don’t work or don’t suit my requirements of being serverless and not resource-heavy.

The theme in question: GitHub - mansoorbarri/website at dev

In here add the internal open graph partial. From there if you want to change things just do the thing it says in the box :wink:

Or use more words to describe what you have done and what failed and why it failed.

yes but the image is just static, i’m asking about dynamic OG image

What does that mean?

  1. Do you want to use a page’s “featured” image?
  2. Do you want to overlay the page title on a base image?
  3. Or perhaps #1 falling back to #2?

by “dynamic” I meant that I just write some code which is used to generate OG images automatically, rather than me creating them for each blog page. I tinkered with the partial/opengraph.html file and got it how I wanted it. Thanks.

file: website/layouts/partials/opengraph.html at dev · mansoorbarri/website · GitHub

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