Doks FlexSearch Relative path

I’m using the Doks theme for hugo and I’m having some issues where the base URL is set to GDG - Grafana Dash-n-Grab but the search index it’s trying to retrieve for the search-index seems to always use the root of the folder which gives me a 404.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to set the search URL to respect the baseURL defined?

My config can be found here

dunno how you pass your baseURL to the indexer. You don’t have that set in your linked config

For a quick fix, see: Hugo site have no style after deploying on GitHub pages · thuliteio/doks · Discussion #1207 · GitHub

Background: FlexSearch is broken when baseUrl contains URI with path · Issue #1275 · thuliteio/doks · GitHub

Perfect. Thank you. I ended up using the workaround from the Discussion and that worked perfectly. <3

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