Documentation for deprecated functions, methods, etc

I’d like to bring up some concerns about the documentation for deprecated functions, methods etc.

I observed that whenever a feature/method is deprecated, it’s removed from the documentation. This can be a problem for some people.

For example, .Site.IsServer is deprecated in Hugo v0.120.0. What if someone not using v0.120.0, needs to know about .Site.IsServer ?

Instead of removing .Site.IsServer from documentation, would it be possible to relocate it to a dedicated page, perhaps docs/content/en/
This page could serve as a list of all deprecated features, including their respective documentation.

Put simply, I believe that a dedicated page like this would effectively convey the information:
(building upon on Joe’s list)

  1. Don’t use Thing One anymore
  2. Use Thing Two instead
  3. We’re going to remove Thing One at some point in the future
  4. Thing One’s documentation (with a note that it (is/is going to be) deprecated in favor of Thing Two.

Additionally, deprecated stuffs can be denoted with a special marker just like how new features are denoted (see the screenshot below). Perhaps something along the lines of ‘Marked as deprecated in v0.120.0’ in a striking red color.