Do page resources work on /content/

Can /content/ contain resources?

I ask because I have multiple page bundles that are working fine with resources. I have /content/window-cleaning-services/images, and /content/window-cleaning-services/ that defines the resources in the frontmatter along with additional params such as alt tags etc. All that works fine, I can query the resources etc.

But when I try to do the same from /content/ non of the images load.

Here I have a shortcode called JobGallery. When used it loads all .png images from any directory in t he bundle that contains the word jobs. In my case, for this project, such directories will only be used to display images of my clients work:

<section class="gallery">
    <div class="container">
    <h2 class="heading-2">{{ .Get "title" }}</h2>
    <p class="lead-2">{{ .Get "description" }}</p>
    {{ with .Page.Resources.Match "*jobs*/*.png" }}
    <ul class="row">
        {{ range . }}
        <li class="col-12 col-md-4 col-lg-3 gallery-item">
            <a class="lightbox" href="{{ .Permalink }}">
               <img src="{{ .Permalink }}" width="100%" title="{{ .Title }}" alt="{{ .Params.alt }}">
       {{ end }}
   {{ end }}

In my /content/ I define resources like so. Defining resources like this is an absolute pain but as I require extra data for the images I can’t see any other way to do this:

title="Title here"
    alt="Alt here"
{{< JobGallery
    title="Our Recent Work"
    description="A description for lead text"

I have the images for the index page stored in /content/recent-jobs-in-birmingham/.

This doesn’t work on the page but works everywhere else on the site.


As per the docs on page bundles, allowed resources for branch bundles, ie those with can live

Only in the directory level of the branch bundle directory i.e. the directory containing the

Is it possible to create a page bundle for the homepage?

If you mean a leaf bundle, I don’t think so. Making the content/ a leaf bundle means you can’t nest other pages under it.

You could create a headless bundle, .GetPage that, and put the resources meant for the homepage in there. There should be an example of headless bundles in the docs page I linked to above.


I think the headless bundle could work for my usecase. Testing now.

Solved it with your help :slight_smile:

<section class="gallery">
    <div class="container">
        <h2 class="heading-2">{{ .Get "title" }}</h2>
        <p class="lead-2">{{ .Get "description" }}</p>

        {{ $resources := cond .Page.IsHome (.Site.GetPage "recent-jobs-in-birmingham").Resources (.Page.Resources.Match "*jobs*/*.png") }}
        {{ with $resources }}
        <ul class="row">
            {{ range . }}
            <li class="col-12 col-md-4 col-lg-3 gallery-item">
                <a class="lightbox" href="{{ .Permalink }}">
                    <img src="{{ .Permalink }}" width="100%" title="{{ .Title }}" alt="{{ .Params.alt }}">
           {{ end }}
      {{ end }}