Hi all,
I think I have an issue mainly on data structure.
I have ‘content’ in md which are used in sections on a list page. Can some of these pages be excluded from the list view and can some of the md files not be rendered as an individual page?
- content
- dir1
- section1.md → rendered in list and NO individual page (is just a section)
- section2.md → rendered in list (is just a section)
- section3.md → rendered in list (is just a section)
- section4.md → rendered in list (is just a section)
- page1.md → NOT rendered in list, but with individual page
- page2.md → NOT rendered in list, but with individual page
- dir1
I use the {{ range .Pages.ByWeight }}
to show the list page. I would like to exclude page1 and page2 of that list. i assume I could add an if statement with a variable 'section “: true”.
Removing the individual page views of the section (1 to 4) is however not clear to me.