Define tuples in Data Template and Access Each Element

In my data file img.toml, I want to have something like

img = [
{ file = "...", type = "...", size = "...", } 
{ file = "...", type = "...", size = "...", } 
{ file = "...", type = "...", size = "...", } 

I later in a template want to iterate over this and access each item like ....file, ....type, ....size.

In another situation, I want to use a map like:

img = [
key1 -> { file = "...", type = "...", size = "...", } 
key2 -> { file = "...", type = "...", size = "...", } 
key3 -> { file = "...", type = "...", size = "...", } 

Where I want to iterate over key and values and access inner properties of the items.

Hi @sirinath,

Not quite sure what is the question you are trying to ask, but looks like you are trying to create a custom data template.
Did you check the Data Templates in Hugo?

I checked them out. What is not clear to me is how to have Key-Value mapping in the toml file. The example given in the documentation uses a list which on which range is used. I am looking to use range over Key-Value map or dictionary.

I am looking to implement and iterable map with key-value items which can be iterated using {{ range $elem_key, $elem_val := $.Site.Data.items }} .

The key-value themselves are composites which I should be able to access as $elem_key.KeyProperty1 , $elem_val.ValueProperty1 , $elem_key.KeyProperty2 , $elem_val.ValueProperty2 , etc.

@sirinath it seems that you have already answered your question.

This is more of a question about data file format used in Hugo Data Templates than the specifics of Hugo Templates.

I am still not sure how to define a map/dictionary in the toml data template. To archive something like:

img = [
key1 -> { file = "...", type = "...", size = "...", } 
key2 -> { file = "...", type = "...", size = "...", } 
key3 -> { file = "...", type = "...", size = "...", } 

which can be iterated over using {{ range $elem_key, $elem_val := $.Site.Data.img }}. What is the correct format for data like the above to be consumed in Hugo {{ range $elem_key, $elem_val := $.Site.Data.img }} and to be consumed in Hugo $elem_key.KeyProperty1 , $elem_val.ValueProperty1 , $elem_key.KeyProperty2 , $elem_val.ValueProperty2 , etc.? gives the iteration syntax and gives how to define a simple list without inner properties and how to iterate over it. does not mention much about how this is defined either and how it can be accessed from a template implementation like Hugo templates.

Also is this the way to define a list with inner properties:

img = [
{ file = "...", type = "...", size = "...", } 
{ file = "...", type = "...", size = "...", } 
{ file = "...", type = "...", size = "...", } 

which can be iterated over using {{ range $elem_val := $.Site.Data.img }} accessing inner properties using $elem_val.ValueProperty1. Just to verify my understanding.

There are resources available online that teach how to use toml syntax. In fact it is right there in the url you posted: TOML: English v1.0.0-rc.1

You can also use json and yaml files if you are more comfortable using their syntax.

toml syntax is not a Hugo-specific question and is off-topic in this forum, so Iā€™m closing this now.