Data Bundle or data git submodules

Maybe this post is not in the correct category. As it can be in the feature as well.

I use some data inside a yaml files. As it was for development purpose I created all yaml files under data/list. My repository look like :

  • Data
    – List
    — yaml1.yml
    — yaml2.yml
    — yaml3.yml

The $.Site.Data.list is working as expecting. Everything is working as expecting.

However before pushing to production I replace the folder “list” by a git submodule. It helps me to open the database modification to everyone.
So now my data folder look like this :

  • Data
    – List #is a git submodule
    — .gitignore
    — yaml1.yml
    — yaml2.yml
    — README
    — yaml3.yml

With this submodule all my templates are broken. I tried to add my yaml files under a subfolder.

  • Data
    – List #still a git submodule
    — .gitignore
    — Sublist
    ------ yaml1.yml
    ------ yaml2.yml
    ------ yaml3.yml
    — README

But I can’t access them with the following command .Site.Data.list.list So I don’t know if it is a bug or a expected behaviour. If it is a bug can you point me in the correct direction to correct it ? If not can we add this improvment to the backlog of the roadmap?


I suggest you look at what’s in the docs refered to as Hugo Components (which will be even easier to use in the next Hugo).

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