Custom Taxonomy Parameter Change for Frontmatter Use?

Hey Hugo Fam!

Long time user here, and I’ve always used the custom taxonomies in a separate collection to loop through custom sections. I recently updated from ~v0.119 to ~0v.134 and didn’t notice the syntax formatting requirements for the Parameter changed, for example:

Previously (v0.119) the code was like this:

for the custom sections assigned page custom taxonomy in the hugo frontmatter:

  - plan-national

In the partial looping through this taxonomy:

{{ $myVar := .Params.sections }}
{{ $mgatag := index site.Taxonomies.section_categories }}
{{ range $k, $v := $mgatag }}
{{ if eq $k $myVar }}
{{ range $v.Pages }}
<!-- assume there is custom section code here -->

For the page Frontmatter calling for the custom section:

sections: plan-national

Now in v0.134 many (but oddly not all) those connections broke in favor of:

  - plan national
sections: plan national

But the odd part is not in all instances, a few select sections not formatted this way will break the loop for all the remaining sections.

Was this an intentional update and I need to go refactor all my parameters, was I doing it wrong the whole time? Can someone shed some light on this?