Well, I have read the hugo documentation page, but the problem for me with many of these pages is that they make perfect sense once you have a mental picture of of a specific aspect works but they are (at least for my taste) pretty poor for beginners that yet have to build this mental picture. Often they use terminology that is not defined anywhere and just assume background knowledge, but I digress…
What I currently don’t understand is this (I am simply trying to understand hugo, it’s not something I need):
Say I define a media-type with two extensions like this:
Then I implement single.html, single.plain.txt and single.plain.hubba templates (the naming convention seems to be .).
Then I can get the html-version of a post in content/posts/test.md via an url ending in /posts/test or via /posts/test/index.html.
I can get a plain-text version via /posts/test/index.txt but (surprisingly for me) /posts/test/index.hubba does not work - and why is that (after all I’ve supplied a template)?
Evidently my mental picture does not match what hugo is doing but the documentation is no help…
Regardless of how many suffixes and corresponding templates you have created for a particular media type, the number of files generated for a particular output format is 1.
There’s a bug… I think.
For each of the tests below, the template directory was identical: