when writing texts about music, I write band names in uppercase, eg DEEP PURPLE instead of Deep Purple.
To be able to do some other formatting etc in the future, it would be helpful to mark the band names in the text with some custom markdown (or something similar).
First idea that came to mind was embedding the names in a shortcode , something like
{{< band >}}Deep Purple{{< /band >}}
but this makes the texts sort of hard to read.
Doing most of my programming in Perl, the next idea was to embed the band names in some chars and try to process them with regular expressions, something like
>>Deep Purple<<
but getting a regexp to work under all circumstances is difficult to master.
at the moment, a way to apply a CSS class would be enough. The band names normally appear within text paragraphs, something like
The band consited of Jon Lord on piano, organ and keyboards, his DEEP PURPLE bandmates David Coverdale and Glenn Hughes, … and last but not least SPENCER DAVIS GROUP members Ray Fenwick on guitar and Pete York on drums.
Btw, the cool thing with your suggestion is that when using “render-link.html” there’s much more possible than just adding a CSS class - like embeddig the “.Destination” in HTML-tags or auto-linking to a tag page and other stuff.