Hello. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work. I’ve tried using other shortcodes (default, such as gist or figure) and they are never processed. It seems that markdownify does not handle shortcodes?!
{{ $data := site.Data.test }}
{{ $data }}: map[bar:{{ ref . `square.md` }} foo:{{ add 1 2 }}]
Turn the data into a resource, then ExecuteAsTemplate:
{{ $test := jsonify $data | resources.FromString "test.json" | resources.ExecuteAsTemplate "test.json" . }}
$test.Content is a string, use transform.Unmarshal to turn back into a map
{{ $result := $test.Content | transform.Unmarshal }}
So now you have:
{{ $result }} : map[bar:http://localhost:1313/square/ foo:3]
{{ $result.foo }} : 3
{{ $result.bar }} : http://localhost:1313/square/