Creating taxonomy/term lists with conent adapter

I’m trying to create several pages from a json file in Site.Data, and then create a taxonomy node to list all the keywords. In my thought there should also be a list in each keyword’s node that links to the pages with the same keyword. I created a .gotmpl file under the root of content folder like this:

{{ $data := | jsonify | transform.Unmarshal }}

{{ range $data }}

    {{ $content := dict
       "mediaType" "text/markdown"
       "value" (print "Category: " .strCategory)
    {{ $keywords := slice .strCategory }}

    {{ $page := dict
       "content" $content
       "kind" "page"
       "path" (print "recipes/" .idDrink)
       "keywords" $keywords
       "title" .strDrink
    {{ $.AddPage $page }}

    {{ $term := dict
       "kind" "term"
       "path" (print "keywords/" .strCategory)
       "content" $content
       "title" .strCategory
    {{ $.AddPage $term }}

{{ end }}

I noticed even if I can create all the keyword nodes, I can’t get the lists of pages for the nodes. What is the correct way?

I’ve found a way… I deleted the "keywords" $keywords and replaced it with

    {{ $params := dict
       "keywords" .strCategory

The document says the front matter field keyword can be used as taxonomies, but it seems I didn’t get the meaning here…