I’m working on a shortcode to display related content. It’s designed like this:
{{<related elements="input() integer float string symbol resolution session source">}}
Here I specify the name of the posts that I want to have listed, separated by a space. This works for me since all of my post titles are single words.
The shortcode code is:
{{ $related := .Get "elements" }}
{{ $category := index .Page.Params.categories 0 }}
{{ range $.Page.Site.Pages }}
{{ if isset .Params "categories" }}
{{ if and (eq (index .Params.categories 0) $category) (in .Title $related) }}
<dt><a href="{{ .Permalink }}"><code>{{ .Title }}</code></a></dt>
<dd>{{ .Description | markdownify }}</dd>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
Here I loop through all pages and look whether a .Title
happens in
the list of posts passed to the shortcode.
This shortcode only works when I specify one ‘related element’ like this:
{{<related elements="input()">}}
With more posts specified, it doesn’t work. I can understand that (there’s one loop after all), but I don’t see how to code should be so that it does work. Can someone help me?
Also, my second question: is it possible to pull the .Description
from a post? Given how my site is structured, I already know the post title that I want to display in the related list. I also know that post’s permalink. What I don’t know is that post’s .Description
. If I can get that without looping repeatedly over all posts, for every post, that would be great for my Hugo site build performance.