Create a list of all articles under the original session

I use sessions for categories.
Lists by category (ex. “category1”, “category2”) can be displayed.
However, it is not possible to create an entire list of all “blog”.
Please help me. Also use pagination.

/blog ×
    /category1 ◯
    /category2 ◯


{{ range (.Paginator 5).Pages }}
  {{ .Title }}
{{ end }}
{{ partial "pagenation.html" . }}

try this:

{{ $paginator := .Paginate .CurrentSection.RegularPages }} 
{{ range $paginator.Pages -}}
    {{ .Render "summary" }}
{{- end }}
{{ partial "pagination" . }}
1 Like

Thank you very much.
But that didn’t help …

I was able to solve this article a little.

<!-- layouts/blog/list.html -->
     {{$indexScratch := newScratch}}
     {{$indexScratch.Set "articleList" .Pages}}
     {{ range .Sections.Reverse}}
       {{ $indexScratch.Add "articleList" .Pages}}
     {{ end }}
     {{ $paginator := .Paginate (where ($indexScratch.Get "articleList") "Type" "!=" "page").ByDate.Reverse }}
     {{ range $paginator.Pages}}
       {{ .Title }}
     {{ end }}
     {{ $indexScratch.Delete "articleList"}}
     {{ partial "pagenation.html" . }}

<!-- content/blog/categoryX/ -->
     title: "カテゴリX"
     categories: ["categoryX"]
     type: "page"

<!-- config.toml -->
     paginate = 5