Content from a JSON file

I would like to know if this is possible before I go this route (which would be tedious to create 909 files!). I have some data in a google sheet that I have converted to JSON and the entries look as below

  "timestamp": "7/8/2021",
  "parent": "/develop-life-skills/",
  "name": "Markus",
  "comment": "Lorem ipsum dola sit amet.",
  "isAuthor": false {{/* or true if it is site author */}}

Just like in the linked comment, I would like to know if it is possible to pull the data from the JSON file to show only on the parent URL and how to do it?

I have this partial to render Disqus exported comments under the respective page.

I think you are doing something similar.


These lines from my partial should give you a good idea.

Thank you very much! I managed to get it working using your example through some trial and error with the code below.

{{ $page := . }}
{{ $filtered := site.Data.comments  }}
<div class="comments-wrap">
  <div class="inside-comments">
{{ range $filtered }}
{{ $thread_link := ( .parent ) | replaceRE "^https?://[^/]+" "" }}
{{ $author := .isAuthor }}
 {{ if (eq $thread_link $page.RelPermalink) }}
<div class="comment">
  {{ if $author}}
    <span class="cite author">{{ .name }} <span class="time">{{ .timestamp }}</span></span>
    {{ .comment }}
    {{ else }}
    <span class="cite">Comment by {{ .name }} <span class="time">{{ .timestamp }}</span></span>
    <p>{{ .comment }}</p>
    {{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

Now, How do I add <h4>Comments</h4> after <div class="inside-comments"> that also appears conditionally when the comments are present? Similar to this perhaps?

I tried this before asking but it did not work this time. It still shows up where there is no data.

Doing this adds the text before every comment/JSON entry. Not really what I want and I agree with you.

I use it to add a class to the author’s comments to style it differently. (It was working somehow now it is not.)

Sorry. Not my day today. Forget my comments. $filtered is nearly never empty because you request the whole JSON entries in first line.

Try something like
{{ $filtered := where site.Data.comments ".parent" .RelPermalink }}

Then you have just the relevant comments from the beginning and can remove some code later on.

If I understand correctly that your comments.json contains all comments of all pages. E.g.

  "timestamp": "7/8/2021",
  "parent": "/hugo/summary/",
  "name": "Markus",
  "comment": "Lorem ipsum dola sit amet.",
  "isAuthor": false
		"timestamp": "7/8/2021",
		"parent": "/hugo/summary/",
		"name": "Markus",
		"comment": "Lorem ipsum dola sit amet.",
		"isAuthor": false
		"timestamp": "7/8/2021",
		"parent": "/hugo/aliases/",
		"name": "Fritz",
		"comment": "Lorem ipsum dola sit amet.",
		"isAuthor": false

That worked! Thanks. (Changed timestamp format to yyyy-mm-dd to use this. )

Full code if anyone is interested.

{{ $page := . }}
{{ $filtered := where site.Data.comments ".article_url" .RelPermalink }}
<div class="comments-wrap">
  <div class="inside-comments">
    {{ if $filtered }}
{{ end }}
{{ range $filtered }}
{{ $thread_link := ( .article_url ) | replaceRE "^https?://[^/]+" "" }}
{{ $author := .isAuthor }}
 {{ if (eq $thread_link $page.RelPermalink) }}
<div class="comment">
  {{ if $author}}
    <span class="cite author">{{ .name }} <span class="time">{{ .time }}</span></span>
    <p>{{ .comment | markdownify }}</p>
    {{ else }}
    <span class="cite">{{ .name }} <span class="time">{{ .time }}</span></span>
    <p>{{ .comment | markdownify }}</p>
    {{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

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