Config see also

hugo’ see also config is

threshold: 80
includeNewer: false
toLower: false

  • name: keywords
    weight: 100
  • name: date
    weight: 10

my config is config.toml.
how to write these in my config.toml?

Not sure what you mean 100% but if you mean how do you format in toml, see the sample here:

I can’t write these config in my config.toml

That is correct. What you pasted is kind of yaml. You’ll need to convert it to toml then paste it in your config.

my means is
I can’t convert it to toml then paste it in my config.toml.

I write as

threshold = 80
includeNewer = false
toLower = false
name = “keywords”
weight = 100
name = “date”
weight = 10
but,it is not correct.
can you help me convert these into toml ?

This is untested but maybe:

  includeNewer = false
  threshold = 80
  toLower = false
    name = "keywords"
    weight = 100
    name = "date"
    weight = 10

Thank you very much ,t have a test,it is ok

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