Condition in range

Hello! I have a range of the 20 element. I need every 4 element to pastle the HTML content. After 20-th elements no need to pastle the code. How do that?

In PHP I have the code

foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
if(is_int($key/4) AND $key < count($array)) {
 echo "html_code";

The following snippet should be equivalent to your PHP script:

{{ range $index, $value := first 20 $list }}
    {{ if modBool $index 4 }} $value {{ end }}
{{ end }}

Thanks. But I need more dificult condition.

foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
   if(is_int(($key+1)/4) AND ($key+1) < count($array)) {
      echo "html_code";


$j = 0;
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
   if(is_int(($j)/4) AND $j < count($array)) {
      echo "html_code";

If it is possible, then I would not like to be attached to the number of array elements (that is, there may be 30 or more values)

I adapted the script above slightly but hadn’t time to test it. But you should get the idea:

{{ range $index, $value := first 20 $list }}
    {{ $inc := add $index 1 }}
    {{ if modBool $inc 4 | and ( lt $inc (len $list) )}} 
    {{ end }}
{{ end }}

Longer if statements could be broken up in smaller parts such that you only need to compare the results of the partial condition (e.g. the index is divisible by four):

{{ if $cond1 | and $cond2 }}

Regarding your second example: $index would be equivalent to you $j because the index is incremented automatically. If you want to test $j < count($array) you can use the partial condition from the first example where you have to replace $inc with $index in ( lt $inc (len $list) )

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Perfect! Thanks!!!