Complex use of taxonomy or subpage generation?

Hello, I specifically used the movie metaphor as it is used in the documentation. I can tell you are doubtful of my knowledge, but I am already using three different taxonomies on my website โ€” one of which was such a rare use case that I answered a question here :slight_smile: How to generate a categories.json file? - #6 by carlin . The example you describe will allow pages to be generated with

  • bruce willis:
    • movies: die hard, die harder, etc

However as I explained in the original post I donโ€™t want a taxonomy that uses the actor as a key. I actually still want the movie as a key, but with an extra page being generated with the values.

Honestly, I think that my question has little to do with taxonomies and is more suited to:

  • Sub-page generation for a section
  • Generating multiple pages per content page in a section

I donโ€™t think either of these are Hugo features (yet :slightly_smiling_face:) however I still welcome any thoughts on this problem.