The theme I’m using uses a Partial to make use of Site.Params to set the colours in CSS variables.
Although this does work fine, I’m not really fan of this cluttering of my site’s <head>
That’s why I was thinking of using SASS/SCSS variables, based on Initialize Sass variables from Hugo templates and hugo-testing/layouts/partials/get-scss-vars.html at hugo-github-issue-10558 · jmooring/hugo-testing · GitHub.
The transpiled CSS should then be included in the bundle together with the rest of the CSS files.
However, I just can’t wrap my head around it.
My setup looks as follows:
├── _vars.scss
└── main.scss
└── get-scss-vars.html
└── stylesheets.html
/* assets/scss/main.scss */
@import "vars";
/* assets/scss/_vars.scss */
@use "hugo:vars" as h;
body {
--sidebar-bg-color: h.$sidebar_bg_color;
--sidebar-img-border-color: h.$sidebar_img_border_color;
--sidebar-p-color: h.$sidebar_p_color;
--sidebar-h1-color: h.$sidebar_h1_color;
--sidebar-a-color: h.$sidebar_a_color;
/* ... */
--moon-sun-color: h.$moon_sun_color;
--moon-sun-background-color: h.$moon_sun_background_color;
# layouts/partials/head/get-scss-vars.html
{{ $vars := dict
"sidebar_bg_color" (or .Site.Params.sidebar_bg_color "#202020")
"sidebar_img_border_color" (or .Site.Params.sidebar_img_border_color "#515151")
"sidebar_p_color" (or .Site.Params.sidebar_p_color "#909090")
"sidebar_h1_color" (or .Site.Params.sidebar_h1_color "#FFF")
"sidebar_a_color" (or .Site.Params.sidebar_a_color "#FFF")
# ...
"moon_sun_color" (or .Site.Params.moon_sun_color "#FFF")
"moon_sun_background_color" (or .Site.Params.moon_sun_background_color "#515151")
{{ return $vars }}
# layouts/partials/head/stylesheets.html
{{ $bundle := slice }}
{{ $opts := dict
"targetPath" "css/vars.css"
"transpiler" "dartsass"
"vars" (partialCached "head/get-scss-vars.html" .)
{{ with resources.Get "scss/main.scss" | toCSS $opts }}
{{ $bundle = $bundle | append (slice "{{ .RelPermalink }}") }}
{{ end }}
{{ $bundle = $bundle | append (slice
(resources.Get "css/poole.css")
(resources.Get "css/codeblock.css")
(resources.Get "css/hyde.css")
(resources.Get "css/poison.css")
(resources.Get "css/fonts.css")
(resources.Get "css/lib/katex.css")
(resources.Get "css/tabs.css")
(resources.Get "css/custom.css")
{{ $css_bundle := $bundle | resources.Concat "css/bundle.css" | minify | fingerprint }}
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="{{ $css_bundle.RelPermalink }}" integrity="{{ $css_bundle.Data.Integrity }}" crossorigin="anonymous">