Codeblock Highlighter for "pseudocode" (alias or proxy to "java")


I have an article with code snippet in “pseudocode”, like this:

// Product interface
interface Document {
    method open()
    method close()
    method save()

I want it to be itercepted and internally implemented via Chrome Java Lexer, temporarily, until I find solution (such as creating custom lexer).

Unfortunately, we do not have aliases option in configuration, like this:

      unsafe: true
    noClasses: false
    lineNos: true
    lineNumbersInTable: false
    guessSyntax: false
      pseudocode: java

Would be nice to add “aliases” feature…

Another option is to intercept it like this:


{{- /* Custom render hook for code blocks */ -}}

{{- $language := .Language | default "plaintext" -}}

{{- if eq $language "pseudocode" -}}

{{- $language = "java" -}}

{{- end -}}

<pre><code class="language-{{ $language | urlize }}">

{{- .Inner | htmlEscape | safeHTML }}


But it didn’t work…

I hope I don’t have XYProblem here :wink: anyway, I have text files with ````pseudocode` in it, which I want to map internally to Java highlighter (for example). Thanks,

Create a code block render hook.

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Your render hook should look something like this:

{{ $lang := or .Type "text" }}
{{ if eq .Type "pseudocode" }}
  {{ $lang = "java" }}
{{ end }}
{{ transform.Highlight .Inner $lang  }}

Thank you it works! I also found this docs: Code block render hooks | Hugo

The only thing I was hoping on right top corner of rendered code shippet I’d still see PSEUDOCODE (uppercase) instead of JAVA; but probably it is job of Chromium and so I still need to create custom lexer for pseudocode. Sometime in a future.

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