Short version: what is the preferred method to create references to anchors on pages and have errors checked at compile time?
Long version:
When I link to another page (using, say, relref
), Hugo checks that the page exists (nice! - although, maybe that’s just because I do a .GetPage) so I can avoid errors.
Right now, I build links to anchors by adding “#anchor” to the URL. Is there a way to check that the anchor really is on the page?
Here is what I am using (it works great, but doesn’t do error checking) - you can see where I concatenate the “#” and anchorized string:
{{- /* Mike's first attempt to make a Hugo Template
* the first param is the page
* the second param (optional) is the anchor
*/ -}}
{{- $pagename := .Get 0 -}}
{{- $anchorname := .Get 1 -}}
{{- $target := relref . $pagename -}}
[{{- with .Site.GetPage $pagename -}}{{- .Title -}}{{end}}{{- with $anchorname -}} ({{- $anchorname -}}){{- end -}}]({{ $target }}{{- with $anchorname -}}#{{- anchorize $anchorname -}}{{- end -}})
This is one of those “Hugo is working great, but this could make it even cooler” things.