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So, I’m building a website that has a set of layout and style presets defined by the user in each page’s front matter. The way I control each preset is through an HTML class, following the BEM methodology. So, for example, the hero
section with a “Hipster” style and a header is defined by
<section class="hero hero_Hipster hero_header">
In order to assign these classes relative to the .md file, I use a goLogic.html file with a “bem” function defined, using the snippet {{ template "bem" (dict "context" . "class" "hero" "vibe" true "layout" "header")}}
. Inside the “bem” function I need to, if “layout” is set, loop through the pages .Params and find the “class” array and display the “layout” value if it’s set to true. I’ve tried many methods, the latest using a range where
function, to no avail. Here’s how it looks rn:
{{- $class := .class -}}
{{- $layout := .layout -}}
{{- $index := .context.Params -}}
{{- if .layout }} {{ .class }}_
{{- range where $index (print $class) true -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
The problem so far has been that .context.Params
renders each sub array as map[]
instead of (name of the parameter)[]
. Anyone with better knowledge on ranges that could help me out?
Reference - part of the .md file:
description: >-
Nós entendemos do seu estilo! Venha fazer uma visita e vamos te deixar mais linda do que nunca!
favicon: /images/logoDark.png
image: /images/logoLight.png
title: O melhor salão do Lourdes - Salão da Viki
logo: true
imageboolean: true
header: true
(in this example, I want to cycle through
and return the template variable layout
if .Params.hero.header
is true)