After seeing the YOAST SEO in Hugo earlier today I thought how it’s really not practical to have 3 different <head>
partials for index.html
, list.html
and single.html
There are already plenty of tips in this forum about doing various checks and customize meta tags, titles etc based on the page context from within a single <head>
But the one thing that had been kind of hard -at least for me- was how-to-do a check for Hugo Paginated Pages site wide.
Not anymore.
Here’s how I did it:
{{- $siteTitle := .Site.Title -}} {{ if ne .Kind "page" }} {{ $pag := .Paginate (where .Data.Pages "Section" "blog") }} <title>{{ .Site.Title }} {{ if $pag.HasPrev }}• Page {{ .Paginator.PageNumber }} of {{ .Paginator.TotalPages }}{{ end }}</title> {{- else if .IsPage -}} <title>{{ $title }} • {{ $siteTitle }}</title> {{- end -}}
Now Paginated Pages after the first one on the Home Page and on my Blog Section will have a SEO friendly Page of X Pages in the title tag.
And for reference’s sake here is how I invoke Hugo’s paginator in index.html
{{ $pag := .Paginate (where .Data.Pages "Section" "blog") }} {{ range $pag.Pages }} {{ .Render "li" }} {{ end }}
And in list.html
{{ range .Paginator.Pages }} {{ .Render "li" }} {{ end }}