Cascade frontmatter to all languages

Is there a way of defining a single file to hold frontmatter which should cascade to all languages?

Currently, I have some variation of the following in all of the _index.{lang}.md files in a folder:

title: Categories
  - _target:
      kind: term
    supTitle: Category
  - heroClass: bg-light-01
    theme: extra-light

Folder structure

├── ./content/category
├── category-one
│  └──
├── category-two
│  └──
└── category-three

Much of that is redundant, though. Is there a way of including a (no lang suffix) with cascaded frontmatter?

Define the cascade in your site configuration.

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Forgive my ignorance, but if defined there, how do I limit to the content/category section?


Would this be the recommended way?

    heroClass = "bg-light-01"
    theme = "extra-light"
      kind = "{taxonomy,term}"


Follow up:

Do you know why the following wouldn’t work? Expected result is that the last block would override the previous for the specified languages:

  render = false
    kind = "{taxonomy}"

  render = true
    lang = "{en,es}"
    kind = "{taxonomy}"

You cannot use cascade to override a value set in front matter (front matter takes precedence). In the same way, I would expect the first array element to take precedence.

Ahh, interesting. I was working off the assumption that the last item would win. This is helpful, though. Thank you!

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