Can't intersect 2 slices (even if the same) : intersect does not support slices or arrays of uncomparable types


I’m trying to use intersect on 2 slice.
I get intersect does not support slices or arrays of uncomparable types.

So while debugging I reduct my code to the minimum & try intersect 2 identical slice with the same error.
Is this expected behaviour ? The 2 slices are identical by construction.

I really can’t see what I’m doing wrong.
Hugo v0.76.5

This code produce the error.

{{- $v_internal := where .Site.Params.plugins.css "external" false }}
{{ $slice1 := $v_internal }}
{{ $slice2 := $v_internal }}
{{ $slice := intersect $slice1 $slice2 }}

This is $v_internal detail

v_internal : {{ $v_internal }}
Map : {{ reflect.IsMap $v_internal }}
Slice : {{ reflect.IsSlice $v_internal }}
{{ range $v_internal }}
. : {{ . }}
.link : {{ .link }}
{{ end }}

produce this :

v_internal : [map[external:false link:plugins/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css purge:true] map[external:false link:plugins/slick/slick.css purge:false] map[external:false link:plugins/font-awesome/font-awesome.min.css purge:false] map[external:false link:plugins/venobox/venobox.css purge:false] map[external:false link:plugins/aos/aos.css purge:false]]

Map : false

Slice : true

. : map[external:false link:plugins/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css purge:true]
.link : plugins/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css

. : map[external:false link:plugins/slick/slick.css purge:false]
.link : plugins/slick/slick.css

. : map[external:false link:plugins/font-awesome/font-awesome.min.css purge:false]
.link : plugins/font-awesome/font-awesome.min.css

. : map[external:false link:plugins/venobox/venobox.css purge:false]
.link : plugins/venobox/venobox.css

. : map[external:false link:plugins/aos/aos.css purge:false]
.link : plugins/aos/aos.css
# CSS Plugins
link = "plugins/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css"
external = false
purge = true
link = "plugins/slick/slick.css"
external = false
purge = false
link = "plugins/font-awesome/font-awesome.min.css"
external = false
purge = false
link = "plugins/venobox/venobox.css"
external = false
purge = false
link = "plugins/aos/aos.css"
external = false
purge = false*Site).renderPages

You’re trying to compare slices of maps. Maps are uncomparable types in the underlying Go code. intersect doesn’t support comparing slices of maps.

Ouch !!! Thanks a lot for the information.

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