Can't exclude GIFs from image processing

Hi, I’ve been trying to put GIF images on my website, but it keeps converting them into WebP static images. How can I exclude GIFs from this conversion? I have read the docs and nothing seems to solve this problem. Using Hugo Hinode.

<!-- Generate a image set of type webp -->
{{- define "partials/image-scaled.html " -}}
    {{- $absoluteURL := site.Params.main.canonifyAssetsURLs | default false -}}
    {{- $img := .img -}}
    {{- $ratio := .ratio -}}
    {{- $portrait := and .portrait .ratio -}}
    {{- $imgset := "" -}}

    {{- $widths := slice "576" "768" "992" "1200" "1400" -}}
    {{- $dims := slice -}}
    {{- with $img -}}
        {{- if eq $ratio "4x3" -}}
            {{- $dims = slice "576x432" "768x576" "992x744" "1200x900"  "1400x1050" -}}
        {{- else if eq $ratio "3x2" -}}
            {{- $dims = slice "576x384"  "768x512" "992x661" "1200x800"  "1400x933" -}}
        {{- else if eq $ratio "1x1" -}}
            {{- $dims  = slice "576x576" "768x768" "992x992" "1200x1200" "1400x1400" -}}
        {{- else if eq $ratio "16x9" -}}
            {{- $dims = slice "576x324"  "768x432" "992x558" "1200x675"  "1400x788" -}}
        {{- else if eq $ratio "21x9" -}}
            {{- $dims = slice "576x247"  "768x329" "992x425" "1200x514"  "1400x600" -}}
        {{- else -}}
            {{- range $width := $widths -}}
                {{- $dims = $dims | append (printf "%sx%d" $width (int (math.Round (mul (div (float $width) $img.Width) $img.Height)))) -}}
            {{- end -}}
        {{- end -}}

        {{- if $portrait -}}
            {{- $dims = partial "partials/image-portrait.html" (dict "dim" $dims) -}}
        {{- end -}}

        {{- $scaled := "" -}}
        {{- range $index, $dim := $dims -}}
            {{- $clean := path.Ext $img.RelPermalink -}}
            {{- if $ratio -}}
                {{- $scaled = $img.Fill (printf "%s webp" $dim) -}}
            {{- else -}}
                {{- $scaled = $img.Fit (printf "%s webp" $dim) -}}
            {{- end -}}

            {{- $scaled = $scaled | resources.Copy (replace $img.RelPermalink $clean (printf "-%s.webp" $dim)) -}}
            {{- if $absoluteURL -}}
                {{- $imgset = printf "%s, %s %sw" $imgset $scaled.Permalink (index $widths $index) -}}
            {{- else -}}
                {{- $imgset = printf "%s, %s %sw" $imgset $scaled.RelPermalink (index $widths $index) -}}
            {{- end -}}
        {{- end -}}
        {{- $imgset = strings.TrimPrefix ", " $imgset -}}
    {{- end -}}

    {{- return $imgset -}}
{{- end -}}

(Part from “image.html” that converts the images into WebP)

You need to do something ala:

{{ $- $format := cond (eq $img.MediaType.SubType "gif") "" "webp" -}}
 {{- $scaled = $img.Fill (printf "%s %s" $dim $format) -}}