Cannot get site.GetPage to work on partial

I assume some obvious oversight here. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Is the .GetPage method available on the global site object?

  {{ else if $_page.IsSection }} <!-- section exception -->
    {{ warnf " ##UTILS/get-resources :: branching on section page: %sassets/" $_page.File.Dir }}
    {{ $assets := site.GetPage ( printf "%sassets/" $_page.File.Dir ) }}
    {{ warnf " ##UTILS/get-resources :: working on: %v" $assets }}
    {{ if $assets }}
      {{ $return = $assets.Resources.Match ( printf "*%s*" $_resource ) }}
    {{ else }}
      {{ errorf "section %q needs a headless asset directory with resources at %sassets/." $_page.File.Path $_page.File.Dir }}
    {{ end }}

corresponding error log:

DEBUG 2021/03/09 20:45:42 Render page assorted error pages to "/err/index.html"
WARN 2021/03/09 20:45:42 ##UTILS/get_resources digging in &{Page(/err/ nopPage HAHAHUGOSHORTCODE-TOC0-HBHB 0xc000b2ef60} @ 1615319142
WARN 2021/03/09 20:45:42  ##UTILS/get-resources :: branching on section page: err/assets/
WARN 2021/03/09 20:45:42  ##UTILS/get-resources :: working on: nopPage
ERROR 2021/03/09 20:45:42 section "err/" needs a headless asset directory with resources at err/assets/.
WARN 2021/03/09 20:45:42 ##UTILS/get_resources returning false @ 1615319142

the directory is set and has a headless frontmatter declaration.

Note that @ 1615319142 is a now.Unix to force execution as sometimes warnings don’t always log.

changed this to that:

{{ $assets := site.GetPage ( printf "%sassets/" $_page.File.Dir ) }}

{{ $assets := $_page.GetPage "assets" }}

it works.

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