Can we create multiple params.toml?

I want hugo to use different params for different sections to give it a clean look. I want something like this.

params.toml [contains main site systems]
homepage_params.toml [contains homepage details]
post_params.toml [post setting like featured image and comment enable disable]

and when hugo builds the site. It will combine them.

Is it possible?

I ran over a website recently that had the following scheme, but did not check if it actually works (with menu, not params, but maybe it’s applicable):


Another thing you could test (also seen with menu, but never tried by me):


Both ways assume that there is NO params.toml itself I think.

Also: This solution, if it works, will result in the following merged parameter setup:

everything in the homepage file
everything in the post file

There is NO way to merge several param files into the same section.

Another way might be to put your configurations into Hugo Modules and use “deep merging” of config options. This might be overkill, but there are ways to “merge” configs on the same level (local overrides modules when merging).

Edit: “Clean look” would be the following in your params.toml… There is a point where “clean look” turns into OCD (duck and run)

# My beautiful options for the homepage #
some = variable

# My beautiful options for posts        #
some = variable