Can not get .Site Context in the render-image.html hook

Halo, I want to render an optional image template in the render-image.html hook.

Here my render-image.html:

{{ $file_ext := substr (path.Ext .Destination) 1 }}
{{ $file_name := replaceRE `\.+.+` "" (path.Base .Destination) }}
{{ $dir := path.Dir .Destination }}

<source srcset="{{ $dir }}/{{ $file_name }}.avif" type="image/avif" />
<img src="{{ .Destination }}"  alt="{{ .Text }}"  />

The .avif file is not been generated yet. It will be generated using sharp in the CI build.

So, If I run the local server, the image will be not found.

I want to render it optionally with this:

{{ if not .Site.IsServer }}
<source srcset="{{ $dir }}/{{ $file_name }}.avif" type="image/avif" />
{{ end }}
<img src="{{ .Destination }}"  alt="{{ .Text }}"  />

But it does not work and I got an error:

render-image.html:17:15: executing "_default/_markup/render-image.html" at <.Site.IsServer>: can't evaluate field Site in type goldmark.linkContext

I was use:

{{ if not $.Site.IsServer }}
{{ end }}

But still doesn’t work.

How can I make the avif image used optionally in local server?

Any ideas?

use site function, site.IsServer

It’s worked, thank you @pamubay

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