Can we apply Paginate by sorting in order of publishdate?
But I can not do this.
{{ $paginator := .Paginate (range .Data.Pages) }}
{{ range $paginator.Pages }}
{{ end }}
For example, the following seems to be rearranged within the split frame, but it is not in order as a whole.
{{ $paginator := .Paginate (.Data.Pages) }}
{{ range ($paginator.Pages.GroupByPublishDate "2006-01") }}
{{ range .Pages }}
{{ $paginator := .Paginate (.Data.Pages).ByPublishDate "2006" }}
{{ range ($paginator.Pages.GroupByPublishDate "2006-01") }}
{{ range .Pages }}
If you do not use Paginate it is possible to make it in the order of publishdate.
{{ range (.Data.Pages.GroupByPublishDate "2006-01") }}
{{ range (where .Pages "Type" "post" ) }}