Building stopping at "step assemble"

Now my building process is stopping at some step and not progressing.

drm@84-47-09-37-40-35 ~/NNSITE (main) [SIGINT]> hugo server --lo
gLevel debug
Watching for changes in /home/drm/{Images,NNSITE}
Watching for config changes in /home/drm/NNSITE/hugo.toml
Start building sites … 
hugo v0.133.1-47d00202e7e61769ce4d14691e43b27852c9cce4+extended linux/amd64 BuildDate=2024-08-26T13:58:46Z VendorInfo=gohugoio

INFO  static: syncing static files to / duration 286.172µs
INFO  build:  step process substep collect files 21 files_total 21 pages_total 21 resources_total 0 duration 2.923465ms
INFO  build:  step process duration 3.707035ms
DEBUG Set expanded permalink path for page docs/ to "/ecotech/"
DEBUG Set expanded permalink path for page docs/ to "/instincto/"
DEBUG Set expanded permalink path for page docs/ to "/meta/"
DEBUG Set expanded permalink path for page docs/ to "/neandertals/"
DEBUG Set expanded permalink path for page docs/ to "/spirituality/"
DEBUG Set expanded permalink path for page docs/ to "/viral_phenomenon/"
INFO  build:  step assemble duration 1.17713ms

Not saying or doing anything more. It’s not consuming resource either, so it’s probably not an infinite loop… and in that case, it would be doing something and saying something, right ?

The next info step is after it has rendered something, so my best guess there’s an infinite loop in the templates somehow.

On Linux you can maybe get some relevant info by identifying the Hugo process ID (ps -ef | grep hugo) and then do a kill -SIGABRT <pid>.

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Found it, it’s the presence of both

{{- $.Page.Scratch.Add “links” (slice $m) -}}


{{- .Page.Scratch.SetInMap “links” .Destination (default .Text .Title) -}}

right after, that seems to produce that infinite loop. Probably obvious to you all, but not me, regardless, it’s good now :ok_hand:

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