I recently migrated from Linux to macOS and with go1.16.2 installed I noticed the following difference from my previous setup:
In go1.15.3 the command go get -u -v github.com/gohugoio/hugo compiled the latest unreleased Hugo DEV version when executed from within the Go default packages directory.
But with go1.16.2 the same command under the same folder compiled the latest Hugo release and not the DEV version.
After a bit of tinkering, I found out that executing the command from within my local Hugo fork that resides outside the Go packages directory compiles the DEV version.
I just checked on Linux I had go1.15.3 linux/amd after updating to go1.16.2 I am seeing the same behaviour as on macOS, with one exception: the previous compiled Hugo Linux binary needs to be deleted because otherwise the version displayed with Hugo version will remain the same as before.
Thanks for the heads up! I have amended the topic title and the first post.