Build issue when cloning into existing hugo site

I’m having a build issue when cloning into existing site on a new computer or getting co-workers to clone, build and test locally before pushing changes back up to github.

I clone the build repo to a new computer. Navigate to the folder.
I run hugo server but nothing is built to localhost:1313.
I run hugo but nothing is built in public.
I git rm -f public and then git submodule add public.
Using hugo command, nothing is pushed into public.

What I have done is the past is create new sites viahugo new site ... etc. And copy and pasted the old files into the new build repo.
But this isn’t practical.
Is there a hugo command for importing an existing Hugo site?

Site below is a personal site for example and prob not relevant to solving but here for reference. Hoping to solve it so can start sharing company website repo with new team members to develop and contribute from their local machines.

Public submod repo: (public)
Hosting: Netlify.

Hi Daniel,

do you have a Hugo repo with source code? On the submodule/output itself its hard to verify the problem you have on the build step of the source code.

However, you may want to try the build step with the source code of my private site and verify, if it works for you:

  1. git clone
  2. cd marvhock
  3. hugo serve
  4. open http://localhost:1313/ and see my site without styles.

If it does not work, maybe there is an error with the Hugo installation. Are there any errors when running hugo serve on your code then?

I have just made the build repo public.

I can hugo serve your site if I clone locally so must be a build issue in my project config.

It was possibly due to the Hugo version.
I was 0.45
Have upgraded to 0.53. However now have a different problem.
The company site does not use a theme - it just builds from the static folder.
However this version seems unable to require a theme. Need to find a way to disable.

This is the error I am now getting:

WARN 2018/12/30 23:08:07 Found no layout for "taxonomyTerm", language "en", output format "HTML": create a template below /layouts with one of these filenames: categories/category.terms.en.html.html, categories/terms.en.html.html, categories/list.en.html.html, categories/category.terms.html.html, categories/terms.html.html, categories/list.html.html, categories/category.terms.en.html, categories/terms.en.html, categories/list.en.html, categories/category.terms.html, categories/terms.html, categories/list.html, taxonomy/category.terms.en.html.html, taxonomy/terms.en.html.html, taxonomy/list.en.html.html, taxonomy/category.terms.html.html, taxonomy/terms.html.html, taxonomy/list.html.html, taxonomy/category.terms.en.html, taxonomy/terms.en.html, taxonomy/list.en.html, taxonomy/category.terms.html, taxonomy/terms.html, taxonomy/list.html, category/category.terms.en.html.html, category/terms.en.html.html, category/list.en.html.html, category/category.terms.html.html, category/terms.html.html, category/list.html.html, category/category.terms.en.html, category/terms.en.html, category/list.en.html, category/category.terms.html, category/terms.html, category/list.html, _default/category.terms.en.html.html, _default/terms.en.html.html, _default/list.en.html.html, _default/category.terms.html.html, _default/terms.html.html, _default/list.html.html, _default/category.terms.en.html, _default/terms.en.html, _default/list.en.html, _default/category.terms.html, _default/terms.html, _default/list.html

WARN 2018/12/30 23:08:07 Found no layout for "taxonomyTerm", language "en", output format "HTML": create a template below /layouts with one of these filenames: tags/tag.terms.en.html.html, tags/terms.en.html.html, tags/list.en.html.html, tags/tag.terms.html.html, tags/terms.html.html, tags/list.html.html, tags/tag.terms.en.html, tags/terms.en.html, tags/list.en.html, tags/tag.terms.html, tags/terms.html, tags/list.html, taxonomy/tag.terms.en.html.html, taxonomy/terms.en.html.html, taxonomy/list.en.html.html, taxonomy/tag.terms.html.html, taxonomy/terms.html.html, taxonomy/list.html.html, taxonomy/tag.terms.en.html, taxonomy/terms.en.html, taxonomy/list.en.html, taxonomy/tag.terms.html, taxonomy/terms.html, taxonomy/list.html, tag/tag.terms.en.html.html, tag/terms.en.html.html, tag/list.en.html.html, tag/tag.terms.html.html, tag/terms.html.html, tag/list.html.html, tag/tag.terms.en.html, tag/terms.en.html, tag/list.en.html, tag/tag.terms.html, tag/terms.html, tag/list.html, _default/tag.terms.en.html.html, _default/terms.en.html.html, _default/list.en.html.html, _default/tag.terms.html.html, _default/terms.html.html, _default/list.html.html, _default/tag.terms.en.html, _default/terms.en.html, _default/list.en.html, _default/tag.terms.html, _default/terms.html, _default/list.html

Fix was to disable taxonomyTerm