3rd version is a JSON feed. I include my template here - you must(!) it change for your needs!
"version" : "https://jsonfeed.org/version/1",
"title" : {{ .Site.Title | htmlUnescape | jsonify }},
"home_page_url": {{ .Site.BaseURL | absURL | jsonify }},
{{ with .OutputFormats.Get "JSON" }}"feed_url" : {{.Permalink | absURL | jsonify }},{{ end }}
{{ $icon := resources.Get "img/yy512.png" }}"icon" : "{{$icon.Permalink}}",
{{ $favicon := resources.Get "img/yy64.png" }}"favicon" : "{{$favicon.Permalink}}",
{{ with .Site.Author.name }}"author" :
"name" : {{ . | jsonify }},
"avatar" : {{ $.Site.Params.sidebar.avatar | absURL | jsonify }}
}, {{ end }}
{{ $r1 := where .Site.Pages "PublishDate" "gt" (now.AddDate -1 0 0) }}{{ $r2 := where .Data.Pages.ByDate.Reverse "Section" "not in" (split .Site.Params.invisibleSections ",") }}{{ $list := $r1 | intersect $r2 }}{{ $len := len $list }}
[{{ range $index, $item := $list }}
"id" : {{ $uuid := sha1 (.Permalink | absURL)}}"{{substr $uuid 0 8}}-{{substr $uuid 8 4}}-5{{substr $uuid 13 3}}-{{substr $uuid 16 1}}9{{substr $uuid 17 2}}-{{substr $uuid 21 12}}",
"url" : {{ $item.Permalink | jsonify }},
"title" : {{ $item.Title | plainify | chomp | jsonify }},
"summary" : {{ $item.Summary | plainify | chomp | jsonify }},
"content_text" : {{ $item.Plain | chomp | jsonify }},
{{ range first 1 (.Resources.ByType "image") }}{{ $original := . }}{{ $.Scratch.Set "image" ($original.Fit "480x360") }}{{ $image := $.Scratch.Get "image" }} "banner_image" : "{{ $image.Permalink }}",{{ end }}
"date_published": {{ $item.PublishDate.UTC.Format .Site.Params.dateFormatFeed | jsonify }},
"date_modified" : {{ $item.Lastmod.UTC.Format .Site.Params.dateFormatFeed | jsonify }},
"tags" : [{{ range $index, $director := .Params.tags }}{{ if gt $index 0 }},{{ end }}"{{ . }}"{{ end }}]
}{{ if lt (add $index 1) $len }},{{ end }}{{ end }}
MediaType = "application/json"
BaseName = "feed"
suffix = "json"
IsHTML = false
IsPlainText = true
noUgly = false
Rel = "alternate"