Best practice using external js modules in shortcode, installed from npm

Hi another newbie question, i am not quite sure how to integrate an external javascript in the best way. In my case I have:

installed, like so

npm install fslightbox

Now it is in the directory /node_modules/fslightbox/index.js (hooray). I created /assets/custom.js with the import, so it gets hopefully loaded:


and mount the module like so:

  source = "node_modules/fslightbox"
  target = "assets"

But I can’t access the Module in a basic Shortcode. The simple examples from here

<a data-fslightbox href="">
	<img src="" alt="Image">


<script type="text/javascript">
  (function() {
    console.log("############# FSLIGHTBOX IS HERE");

    var lightbox = new FsLightbox();
    lightbox.props.sources = ["", ""];;

doesnt have any effect.

I think I’m missing something here again.Any advice is welcome :slight_smile: