Back-Button in single page template to calling list

Hi there,

who can i choose the target of the back button in a single page layout file?

The long question is:
i have a sections called “post” and “projects”. The content of both sections should be displayed on start-page (index.html), which i have realized using a query like that:
{{ $sections := slice "post" "projekte" }}
{{ $paginator := .Paginate (where .Site.RegularPages "Section" "in" $sections) }}
{{ range $paginator.Pages }}
...and so on...

The projects are also shown on the section list landing page. So projects could be called from the homepage and section landing page.
So how can i achive, that every page could have a back button, which goes back to the calling landing page?

I found Single page back button to page in list (using JS with Document.referrer) as a solution, but maybe it is outdated and there is an integerated way in hugo of doing that?

Thanks in advance

Browsers have back buttons built in…