Could it be that Hugo stopped using archetypes from a theme module recently (somewhere in the past two months)? The call:
hugo new --kind blog some/path/to/title-of-blog
worked around 2 months ago, but not today (with 0.119.0 and 0.118.2).
Copying the archetypes over from the theme to the main site project gets it working again. there is a archetypes/blog/ in the archetypes that should/did fit with --kind blog.
I also, because the documentation refers to it this way now, tried hugo new content --kind blog some/path/to/title-of-blog without success.
It’s one of these “is it me or the system” questions
I noticed this a little while ago, and was going to dig deeper, but I rebuilt the instance I use for Hugo builds, it worked properly. I am wondering if there some Go version / caching thing that involved in this
I don’t know if you (@davidsneighbour) have done a recent clone of your repository and cleared your cache, but that is where I would look, especially if vendoring works.
Turns out I forgot to add the archetypes to the module configuration. For some reasons, this worked until recently. I might have had some form of replacement config going on before and that might have gotten stricter now (in sense of with replacement with a local repo the archetypes directory was there, with a “proper” module config it wasn’t really there because it wasn’t in the config… let’s not COD about this).
Thanks both of you for your checks.
PS: I am giving @cshoredaniel a solution tick because I don’t want to take that for myself and the topic wouldn’t close without it It was the right direction.