In a few different cases, I’d like to be able to enable users of my theme to write markdown with arbitrary shortcodes nested inside of others. I have three shortcodes currently implemented: detail, icon, and rolltable.
For example, I have a detail shortcode, which should be able to render the inner markdown (and all of its shortcodes) inside of the detail block - but I have no way of knowing (and prefer not to hand code handling for) each of the potential shortcodes a user might include - if they want both an icon in the detail body and a rolltable, for example. Or if they want to include an icon in the tabledata of the rolltable.
All of the examples I’ve seen for nested shortcodes (and the docs) seem to be for shortcodes designed to be relatively tightly coupled. Maybe I’m not fully understanding? I saw some (closed) issues on GitHub for adding a new hugo function that would combine markdownify with parsing nested shortcodes, which seems to be what I’m looking for.
The outer shortcode knows nothing about the inner shortcodes
The inner shortcodes have a .Parent which can be used to pass information upwards
So, if you’re details shortcode can contain “anything”, I would suggest you more any formatting (incl. markdownify) up to each shortcode and just print the resulting HTML, e.g.:
Correct me if I’m wrong, but that will then display the icon but not the markdownified text in the detail, right?
So a detail like:
{{< detail example "Determining Characteristics for Taryn Carozza" >}}
To determine Taryn's characteristics, we roll a dz and get a ☀️️️️️️️:
- {{< icon iron >}} **29**
- {{< icon flax >}} **39**
- {{< icon bone >}} **49**
At the beginning of play Taryn has a bit less personal power than most people, has an average education and knowledge-base, and is stronger, tougher, and more agile than most people.
{{< /detail >}}
With {{ .Inner }} we get:
<details class="example" open="">
<summary id="determining-characteristics-for-taryn-carozza">Determining Characteristics for Taryn Carozza</summary>
To determine Taryn's characteristics, we roll a dz and get a ☀️️️️️️️:
- <img src="/icons/iron.svg" alt="iron" class="icons">
- <img src="/icons/flax.svg" alt="flax" class="icons">
- <img src="/icons/bone.svg" alt="bone" class="icons">
At the beginning of play Taryn has a bit less personal power than most people, has an average education and knowledge-base, and is stronger, tougher, and more agile than most people.
and with {{ .Inner | markdownify }}
<details class="example" open="">
<summary id="determining-characteristics-for-taryn-carozza">Determining Characteristics for Taryn Carozza</summary>
<p>To determine Taryn’s characteristics, we roll a dz and get a ☀️️️️️️️:</p>
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<p>At the beginning of play Taryn has a bit less personal power than most people, has an average education and knowledge-base, and is stronger, tougher, and more agile than most people.</p>